Rod Perry Photos
Two of the all-time greats, Rod Perry in the #71 Black bandit and Jackie Evans in the Joe Guthrie #3 Coupe battle wheel to wheel at Palm Beach. The date is 61-62 and this vividly shows the two competing car directions that were happening in the South Florida area at that time. Evan’s car was a “Hialeah legal” modified. It had a coupe body that with the exception of the no fenders was more or less stock. Perry’s Black bandit, on the other hand, sported an economy car body, a Crosley hotshot that was then chopped and cut down. Evan’s #3 car would also have had some sort of factory built frame. Perry’s 71 by this time was virtually a tube frame, with few, if any factory pieces left. Of course the most obvious difference was the wing on Roddy’s car, and the total lack thereof on the Guthrie #3 Evans is wheeling. Hialeah Speedway was fast becoming a non-winged, stock car track. Hollywood Speedway welcomed the evolving class soon to become known unofficially as Supermodifieds, both tracks ran on Saturday nights with full stands and packed pits. Medley and Palm Beach were neutral locations, it was an unwritten rule that you could show up and run whatever you were running on Sat night and no-one would bother you.