Rod Perry Photos
A checkered flag picture from Hialeah Speedway, circa approx. 1962-63. The flagman in the pic is the well known Windy Meyers. This is an interesting picture, first notice the wing. At first glance it seems to be very crude, but if you take a closer look at it, a wing chord can clearly be seen. So it seems that it was more advanced than the wing in the 7th picture of this series. In addition, the #1 car in the background, who’s driver (believed to be Roy Clanton) is giving Roddy the once over, that wing is more advanced. However, the wing mounting on the Black Bandit is most definitely primitive, to say the least! A good theory is that the old wing was destroyed the week before, and a new one was constructed, but not yet finished, so the half build wing was put on at the last minute by whatever materials were laying around in the shop. Roddy looks quite pleased with himself in this picture, and look at the stands, they are practically empty. The supers would have been the last race of the night, and this pic was likely taken at 1 or 2 AM, one can only imagine what sort of short track carnage happened on that particular long ago night!