Tampa’s Dave Scarborough leads Rod Perry’s Black Bandit and another competitor through the foreboding turns one and two area at the lightning fast Palm Beach Fairgrounds Speedway. Wing technology was in its infancy when this picture was taken, dating it 61-62. Note the gaping, fresh hole in the wall , obviously yet another hapless driver had plowed through it into the trees beyond. This particular hi banked half mile was especially treacherous, if one looks carefully, notice that , unlike virtually every other racetrack, the walls stood straight up. These walls did not turn a car back into the track, they quite literally often turned into a launching ramp. That is, of course, if the incredible speeds attained on this true-measured around the bottom edge of the track- half mile did not cause a car to smash right through the walls. Notice where Roddy is, high on the track, that was the only fast way around this speedbowl. Check out the “body English” he is putting into the car, wheel cranked over, standing on it. This was a place where only the good and the brave won consistently…and Rod Perry won many a race here.